MUSCLE TESTING + How Does this Work Long Distance?
Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
Muscle Testing connects you with the answers your body already knows.
Our bodies are constantly relaying information through nerve pathways. Muscle testing enables us to utilize our neurophysiological system to identify and release mental, emotional, and energetic imbalances in the body.
Kinesiology combines both eastern and western healing modalities. Grounded in anatomy and physiology, Kinesiology utilizes muscle testing with the principles of Chinese medicine to identify stress and imbalances in your system so that you can optimize your healing and return to your natural state of vibrant health and energy.
Muscle Testing as a method of receiving biofeedback has been in practice for over 100 years. More recently, we’ve discovered what those early practitioners already knew; that physical, mental, emotional, biochemical, and electromagnetic stress change the body’s energy field and nervous system, which affects a muscle’s strength or weakness.
Any muscle within the body can be tested, but most practitioners utilize a simple generalized test called the arm muscle test.
Muscle testing allows us to access information that is not available to your conscious mind.
Your body already knows what it needs to heal and optimize. Kinesiology facilitates your natural healing process.
Kinesiology utilizes your neurological system as a communication tool to assess what’s going on within your body and mind.
Kinesiology enables us to identify and release imbalances that cause inner conflict, stress, pain, and illness.
Straight Arm Muscle Response Test (MRT) in practice
To test a person’s arm, a practitioner applies slow, gradual, gentle pressure just above the wrist for approximately 2 seconds in order to note the difference in muscle strength in response to specific stimuli.
Using this simple arm muscle test, applied kinesiology practitioners can muscle test a client as they say certain words, belief statements, and even think certain thoughts to see what causes the client’s body to remain strong vs. what causes their body to weaken.
When a person says something that is untrue, lacks congruence, or causes stress in their system, it causes their muscles to go weak. When a person says something that is true, life-affirming, and congruent within their body-mind system, their muscles remain strong.
Some practitioners even utilize applied kinesiology to test which foods, medications, vitamins, and herbs are best for their client/patient, and which items should be avoided as they cause their client’s/patient’s body to weaken.
Your Superhighway To Expansion
Learn to Self-Muscle Test
Your Superhighway To Expansion
Learn to Self-Muscle Test
A Brief History of Applied Kinesiology/ Muscle Testing
Muscle testing is a form of biofeedback that allows one to detect changes within a muscle’s strength or weakness due to the neurological signal that’s being sent, and thus communicate with the body-mind system.
Back in 1912, Dr. Robert Lovett utilized muscle testing to evaluate disability caused by polio and other neuromuscular diseases. He developed a system for grading the strength of muscles by rating the force generated against external resistance.
A bit later nationally renowned husband and wife physical therapists Henry and Florence Kendall furthered the practice by refining the techniques and in the 1940s and 50’s wrote books with detailed records from studying 12,000 cases diagnosing numerous diseases and conditions associated with body mechanic imbalances.
The Kendalls helped draft the bill that established standards and licensing procedures for physical therapists, and opened the first private physical therapy practice in the world, and traveled around the nation giving talks.
Then in the 1960s Dr. George Goodehart found correlations with reflexes, certain muscles, and the meridian system (energy pathways) and used muscle testing as a way to diagnose these connections. His discoveries led to a totally new system of healing, called Applied Kinesiology.
Since then, new technologies (such as PSYCH-K® & Emotion Code) have arisen within the field, utilizing muscle testing as a binary code of communication that allows us to ask our bodies questions and receive answers.
We can identify and release emotional and energetic blockages, bringing us back to a balanced energetic state, allowing our natural healing to kick in.
We can discover what is held within our subconscious minds, and create updates that truly change our lives.
How Does This Work Long Distance?
Just like neurons fire to communicate within our bodies, we are all interconnected through a matrix of energy. We are trained to tap into your unique energy signal and receive the message your system is sending as you say belief statements or do specific processes.
In both Emotion Code and PSYCH-K® (Kelli is trained at the master level), we are taught to connect to your unique energy signature and receive a signal. Just like energetic WI-fi, this works across any distance.
Muscle Testing provides a binary code of communication. This enables us to get a yes/no, true/false, or stress level information from your system.
For remote sessions, we act as your proxy, or surrogate, and muscle test on your behalf. In this way, we are able to navigate your subconscious landscape with you from any distance and provide rapid relief.
Since we are all connected within the quantum sea of energy, it doesn’t matter how far away you live. We see clients from across the globe, including the UK, India, Australia, Jamaica, Norway, Japan, South Africa, and Portugal for distance healing!
Click here to learn more about The Science Behind Energy Work and how distance healing works.

Safely and securely release subconscious blockages anywhere in the world
We always test for permission when working with people for a long distance healing session. By ensuring that it’s safe and appropriate to connect over “energetic Wi-fi”, we establish a secure connection between practitioner and client. You can think of it like energetic block chain encryption. Private, end-to-end security.
Then we use self-muscle testing to facilitate our session, whether our focus is on releasing trapped emotions or transforming subconscious beliefs. We always validate (post-test) to verify that the blockage is released, or transformation complete, within the mind-body system after each process.
And lastly, we ensure the surrogation/proxy connection is released at the end of every session.

Your Superhighway To Expansion
Learn to Self-Muscle Test
As practitioners, we can muscle test you in person or by proxy over any distance, but imagine being able to muscle test YOURSELF!
This is the most amazing, powerful tool to ask your body questions and receive answers.
This is your SUPERHIGHWAY to a whole new world that opens up where you will no longer second guess yourself, you can easily make decisions and discover what is truly going on with you. Once you know what your body is trying to tell you, you can make the best choices for your health, work/activities, and life enjoyment.
Because of the immense value of this tool, we created a course to teach you how to do it yourself!
You will not believe how quickly your life will change for the better with this ability. You will become your best life guide.
Your Superhighway To Expansion
Learn to Self-Muscle Test
As practitioners, we can muscle test you in person or by proxy over any distance, but imagine being able to muscle test YOURSELF!
This is the most amazing, powerful tool to ask your body questions and receive answers.
This is your SUPERHIGHWAY to a whole new world that opens up where you will no longer second guess yourself, you can easily make decisions and discover what is truly going on with you. Once you know what your body is trying to tell you, you can make the best choices for your health, work/activities, and life enjoyment.
Because of the immense value of this tool, we created a course to teach you how to do it yourself!
You will not believe how quickly your life will change for the better with this ability. You will become your best life guide.
Ready to Accelerate your Personal Evolution?
Learn more about Kelli and Kevin Russell.