About Kelli Russell
PSYCH-K® Facilitator (Master Level) and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
I’m Kelli, and I’m thrilled to connect with you on this incredible journey of inner transformation.
My Journey
I’ve been on a lifelong journey to figure out human behavior, fueled by my childhood observations of adults who were unhappy in their relationships and careers.
At the age of 12, I made a promise to myself: To learn why people do what they do and help them live a life they love. I earned a degree in Psychology with a minor in Sociology, and a Master’s in Counseling.
But here’s where things clicked: I realized that listening and helping someone gain insights into their life wasn’t enough to set them free.
This fueled my determination to uncover the “how” of transformation, and my passion for subconscious change techniques ignited. These techniques have become my toolkit for facilitating profound internal shifts and breaking free from those limiting patterns we all get caught up in.
As a Psychological Kinesiologist, I help people tap into their body’s knowledge to target core issues and create transformative shifts within their mental programming, always rooted in empathy and understanding.
Rollerblading, Music, and the Art of Feeling Alive
When I’m not guiding people on their transformative paths, you’ll often find me rollerblading through life – literally! I love the wind in my hair and the bass vibrating through my Skullcandy headphones – it makes me feel so alive.
The movement and music generate an electrifying energy within me, like what it feels like to be free from the wounds of the past, moving forward in life with clarity and confidence. Just as every movement on my rollerblades contributes to the greater ride, every step we take toward inner freedom and alignment contributes to a life well lived.

Unlocking Change: Movies & Music
My love for sci-fi and apocalyptic movies reflects my fascination with the human psyche and the potential for transformation in the face of adversity. It’s a passion that carries itself into my work, as I guide you through your own narrative twists and turns toward empowerment and change.
It’s worth mentioning that I’ve also been a yoga and meditation teacher for 14 years and I love creating music playlists that guide people on a journey. One of my private celebrity students said many times, “Your music is so good, you could be a DJ!” This mirrors my approach to facilitating inner transformation -helping people align with their own unique resonance and harmonize with others and life in a way that leads to a richer experience.
Nourishing Insights Through Food and Authenticity
I love sharing delicious meals with friends. It not only nourishes our bodies but also fuels intriguing, authentic and meaningful conversations, providing us with a sense of belonging, acceptance, support, and community. And we often receive insights and wisdom from each other that we couldn’t have come up with on our own.
One of the most fun experiences I’ve had with friends was hosting a home version of the Hot One’s Challenge, guiding our group into progressively fiery flavors and even hotter questions.
This spirit of embracing the challenge and turning it into an opportunity for growth is at the heart of what I do.

Cars, Martial Arts, and Transformation
I’m a big fan of old Ford Broncos (1974-1976) and I love driving the Ford Mustang GT I inherited from my Dad after he passed away. Hearing the power of the motor when I start up my car every day makes me smile and think of him. These vehicles evoke a feeling of strength and exhilaration just like my Budokon yoga/martial arts practice —fluid, strong, powerful, graceful, and deeply engaging.
These parallels are at the heart of my approach to guiding subconscious change. My mission is to help people align with their inner strength and resilience as they wholeheartedly embrace their unique authentic selves. Empowering them to be the driver of their lives, guided by their clear inner compass, confidently navigating their path while they enjoy the ride!

Your Transformative Journey
Are you ready to become the hero of your story and enjoy the ride of YOUR life? To shed old patterns, heal past wounds, and transform your life into one that resonates with your soul’s rhythm?
Through deep understanding, empathetic guidance, and a passion for growth, I’m here to help you navigate your journey so that you can experience your most harmonious, vibrant existence.
Let’s work together to create the changes you want to see so you can live a life that you love.
Let’s go!!!
Client Feedback
“I have been in therapy for more years than I care to admit and though it’s great to talk and analyze, things never really felt resolved. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life with no real solutions in sight. I reached out to Kelli to see if she could help. I’ve had several sessions with Kelli covering some past trauma – stuff that happened decades ago. Very quickly she was able to identify what was going on and helped me change my subconscious beliefs. My mental pain around the incidents were eliminated. Like, GONE! I didn’t just feel better, a huge weight was lifted and I no longer carry these burdens. And best of all, I’m seeing it in every area of my life. I’m more positive, relaxed, and happy. Haha, even my teenagers are taking notice. I had to share because she’s the real deal. Meet with Kelli. She’s so smart and cool and good at this…I promise you will not be disappointed.”
Lorrie / Carlsbad, Ca
Client Feedback
“I have been in therapy for more years than I care to admit and though it’s great to talk and analyze, things never really felt resolved. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life with no real solutions in sight. I reached out to Kelli to see if she could help. I’ve had several sessions with Kelli covering some past trauma – stuff that happened decades ago. Very quickly she was able to identify what was going on and helped me change my subconscious beliefs. My mental pain around the incidents were eliminated. Like, GONE! I didn’t just feel better, a huge weight was lifted and I no longer carry these burdens. And best of all, I’m seeing it in every area of my life. I’m more positive, relaxed, and happy. Haha, even my teenagers are taking notice. I had to share because she’s the real deal. Meet with Kelli. She’s so smart and cool and good at this…I promise you will not be disappointed.”
Lorrie / Carlsbad, Ca